50+ Most important German words for travel

April 11, 2019

German (Deutsche) language is spoken mostly in Central Europe. It's an official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and other countries in Europe.

Why learn important German words for a trip?

You might ask if it is actually worth learning phrases and words, especially if you are just going there for a vacation and will be staying in tourist destinations only where English is spoken.

Firstly, when you even try to speak the language you already look like a more respectful person, in general.

Secondly, if you are will travel around the country knowing at least basic words and phrases will help you feel more confident and allow to make at least basic conversations.

And finally, you'll have much more luck if you know at least some phrases to navigate around. I'm compiling those phrases and words based on my own experience of the importance of those phrases.

The list will be constantly updated, so it's recommended to bookmark this page for the ease of use.

General phrases

Hello - Halo
Yes - Ja
No - Nicht
Goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen
Sorry - Es tut uns leid
Thank you - Danke
I need help - Ich brauche Hilfe
Life - Leben
Men - Mann
Woman - Frau
Travel - Reise
Car - Auto
Sure - Natürlich

Buying things

How much is it? - Wie viel kostet das?
It is too expensive - Es ist zu teuer
Cheaper, please - Billiger bitte
I don't need it - Ich brauche es nicht
This thing, please - Diese Sache bitte
Credit card - Kreditkarte
Debit card - Debitkarte
Cash - Kasse
Change - Veränderung
Things - Dinge
Free - Kostenlos
Better - Besser
Worse - Schlechter

In a restaurant or cafe

Can I have a menu, please - Kann ich bitte ein Menü haben?
I want... - Ich will
Coffee, please - Kaffee bitte
Water - Wasser
Tea, please - Tee bitte
With milk / Without milk - Mit Milch / Ohne Milch
Without sugar - Ohne Zucker
Check - Die rechnung bitte
One more - Einer noch
Spicier - Schärfer
Big - Groß
Restroom - Toilette
Tips - Tipp
For eating here - Um hier zu essen
For taking out - Zum herausnehmen


Where is? - Wo ist es?
Turn - Wende
Stop (sign) - Halt
Left - Links
Right - Recht
Street - Straße
Side - Seite
Where is your house? - Wo ist dein Haus

In hotel

I have a reservation - Ich habe eine Reservierung
Room number - Zimmernummer
My card key doesn't work - Mein Kartenschlüssel funktioniert nicht


House - Haus
Supermarket - Supermarkt
Market - Markt
Embassy - Botschaft
Police - Polizei
Store - Geschäft
Hospital - Krankenhaus
Airport - Flughafen

Learning important German words and phrases might be the best improvement for your overall travel experience.

And if you would like to find an affordable place to stay for your trip to German - speaking countries consider reading this guide.

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Written by Dmitry Yarygin Test Engineer and a Digital Nomad.
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